The World of Sparks
The World of Sparks
Sparks are people born with special abilities based on a desire, need, or a desperate want.
Crescent Moon Faction
Misc Characters
Spark Ability Index
Spark Abilities are like muscle or a skill. It requires practice and constant use to be able to strengthen the range or effectiveness of the ability. Everyone with an ability starts at basically the same range of ability (regardless of the ability itself) and only can grow stronger through training it.
ECLIPSED GENE: a hidden strand of DNA that later forms an extra piece of organ located within the brain, which is labeled SPARK FACTOR that then changes the body and mind to formulate an ability.
SPARK FACTOR: an extra piece of organ hiding within the brain, located near the brain stem, and acts similarly to a brain, like a brain stem of a temporal lobe.
◦ Sparks are hereditary
◦ Believed to be a recessive gene
◦ Able to skip entire generations
The Spark gene allows the body to change and adapt itself to whatever ability manifests within the spark factor, but it does not per-determine the ability that one will receive. The ability you manifest is determined by environmental factors, along with deep desires or
Silver Tongue: the ability to persuade others to their will through key phrases or the person’s name.
Seer: the ability to see fragments of the future that is most likely to happen.
Warper: the ability to change another’s reality to make them see what the user wants them to see.
Dragon Breath: the ability to generate flames, ice, or poison within their lungs and expel it through their mouth.
Terra: the ability to manipulate earth.
Hydra: the ability to manipulate any form of water.
Shadow: the ability to manipulate shadows and darkness.
Banshee: the ability to produce high-pitched sounds that shatter eardrums and intense hearing that allows them to hear things from miles away.
Burst: the ability to secrete a highly explosive liquid through their skin that can detonate similar to a bomb.
Mender: the ability to have full control over anatomy from bones, blood, and heart to heal or harm.
Warden: the ability to create a bubble of see-through impenetrable armor that no ability can break or go through.
Whirlwind: the ability to manipulate and generate wind currents of air.
Semblance: the ability to pass through any solid matter.
Sensory: the ability to read objects that have a strong emotion/memory attached that are normally connected to a person/place/event.
Vapor: the ability to manipulate the user’s pheromones that directly affects/influences anyone who smells it.
Decipher: the ability to write, speak, understand, and communicate in any human language.
Main Landers: the ability to phase into a specific land animal.
Tide Lander: the ability to shift into a specific sea creature/mammal.
Skyling: the ability to shift into a specific bird.
Telepath: the ability to read passing thoughts within a certain radius.
Skinwalker: the ability to change appearance but only if it’s somebody they have already seen and touched.
Empath: the ability to feel and manipulate others’ emotions.
Bridge: the ability to communicate and persuade animals
Song Weaver: the ability to cast a deep, impenetrable sorrow through the sound of their in a song that causes any who hears it to die.
Enhancer: the ability to enhance other abilities.
Igniter: the ability to manipulate fire.
Leaper: the ability to teleport anywhere that they have seen or been to previously.
Reflector: the ability to reflect another’s fear tenfold to make them suffer through their worst fears as if it is happening.
Wiper: the ability to manipulate and erase memories.
Cypher: the ability to connect and manipulate all forms of electronics.
Black Widow: the ability to secrete poison through touch.
Harefoot: enhanced speed, strong legs, and enhanced jumping.
Chameleon: the ability to change bodily functions and appearance for survival.
EX; gills in water, skin to stone, fur for cold, wings for heights
Mimick: the ability to copy another Spark’s ability through touch for a limited amount of time.
Hound: the ability to sense another Spark through power waves or aura. Each aura represents a different kind of ability and the more powerful/skilled the Spark, the stronger the aura.
Void: the ability to temporarily stop another Spark from using their ability.
Sentient: the ability to animate inanimate objects.
Incinerator: the ability to break down anything into ashes with a single touch.
Replika: the ability to duplicate themselves.
Moonwalker: the ability to manipulate gravity.
Weaver: the ability to manipulate unbreakable cords/strands/threads formed from hardened dead skin cells that congeal around the bicep that appear similar to a tattoo. Users can control thickness and mobility of their Weaves.
Polytails: the ability to generate four extra limbs from their tail bone that can stretch, harden, and grow at command. They act like actual tails, but far stronger. They resemble glass-like tentacles.
Panorama: the ability to see over a vast distance, through solid matter, and perfect night vision. They can activate this ability at will, but extremely sensitive to light.
Phosphor: the ability to create and manipulate light. They can take light from many sources, including phones, light bulbs, or as well give some of their stored light.
Alchemist: the ability to take objects and transfer them into something else as long as they know they have the right exchange. They cannot create living beings or human flesh or blood.
Spark Ability Quiz
Curious about what ability you would have within the Spark world? Take this quiz and find out!