Evelyn Riley Lee

“We may have our struggle, and we may have our issues; maybe we will always have shadows cast against our light but forget about all of that. We have each other. We do not back down. We will not lose.”


Eve was raised in a prominent, rich rancher family. Her family owns the largest ranch across the way with lots of land. Her family are Acclimates (they live away from Sparks and Spark lifestyle) and she is one of four siblings. Only her and the oldest brother have abilities.

 “It’s not like I was a poor businesswoman or that I wasn’t offered the same position as my brothers, but well… imagine knowing that everyone who works with your father wants to marry me for instant deep pockets and a share of our stocks, or that I was too pretty for hard labor, or that I would make the perfect housewife. I was just a pretty face or a decoration. My grandmother is a Spark, however, along with me and my older brother, but my younger brothers are all Blanks. There are four of us in all. The eldest is a Spark. His name is Thomas, but we call him Tommy. He’s a Terra. Or ability to control earth materials. I’m the second eldest, and you already know my ability. My brother Noah, a Blank. And the last Blank, Elias. Our grandmother is a Hydra, and her mother was a Hydra as well.”

“The world is good at keeping its secrets, although Sparks are working hard to keep it that way. Who knows though? Maybe one day we can finally have some peace.”

— Evelyn Lee