Reason Finn Bates

“You’re right. Is that what you want to hear? Anger is easy. I feel like it’s my rage that has kept me alive all these years. My hunger to destroy Wildfire.”


Reese was raised in a loving Guild with his mother, father, and older sister, Joy. They were an average family and calm, close with other Guild members. Wildfire was alerted of a powerful “Faction” (they were wrong and it was a Guild) and wiped them out. Reese barely survived. He was taken to a Manor where he was Fostered until he joined Atlas and the rest of Crescent Moon.

“Despite the pain I feel of others, I never… I never regretted it. To feel their heartache, their sadness, and their wordless pain… I am grateful to be able to ease that burden, or in the very least, help them through it.”

— Reason Bates